Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Learn to hunt

Not-dear Stupid Girl Kitten,

You gotta learn to hunt sometime, and due to lack of natural prey in this house (the Idiot Feral Human does keep a clean house, I'll say that much for her), then we have to make do with what's at hand. I know the Idiot Feral Human's socks smell, but if you can handle those, you can handle anything else that might come up.

So start hunting instead of following me around like a dummy, dammit.


Monday, January 4, 2010

Free To Good Home

One Idiot Feral Human, female, late 30's, kind of stupid but reasonably well-trained, lot of years left in her. Reason: Because she annoys the hell out of me.

I reserve the right to get her back when it's time for me to be fed, for my litter box to be cleaned, and when I want a lap to sit on.
